27 August 2006

A Voice in the Wilderness

The price for peace.

I am nobody, and nobody cares for 'a nobody'.

Conflicts, terrorism and wars cannot cease to exist. Terrorism is reaching such a climax that could be impossible to control.

I quote, "Peace to Come - All religions are fanatical. They all create conflict and war. Peace will rule the world when one day science will destroy all religious fanatic beliefs! That kind of technology is within our reach. The discovery of the phenomenon of gravity, which will in turn reveal the true nature of the universe, could also be the key to reveal the true nature of God." Jesian

Nothing comes easy and every achievement has a price.

What if, science will one day proof that God does not exist, as we all tend to believe. Then, of course, all the USA dollars have to be reprinted without the words "In God we Trust"!

Would not also, then, a terrorist's courage in the name of his god and religion (Holy War) diminish?

Would not, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other similar religions hold their horses? I strongly believe that this is the only way to achieve peace and bring to an end most conflicts and wars.

We need to analyse all that we believe in, whether scientific or religious, and find what is untrue. Many things that might have served us well in the past do not necessarily now. We are obliged to re-think everything we hold sacred. This is the price to conserve peace.

We need to reach out beyond the heavens and search for 'God'. Gravity is the only obstacle. We have to re-design our spacecrafts with the philosophy of anti-gravity principles, if we need to go beyond the heavens. Billions and billions of dollars are being spent for building spacecrafts. Yet, the phenomenon of gravity, which is the most important factor for space travel, is still unexplored!

Throughout my career in electronics and a lifetime of research work, exploring the secrets of gravity, I came to a conclusion with an alternative theory of gravity, which in turn will also give birth to new technologies.

I am aware that academicians that have been always faithful to their familiar sacred dogmas will debunk my theory immediately.

Scientists can be as fundamentalists as any fanatical religious believers.

At the present, terrorism and economics are global crises. Both politicians and scientists should be open to investigate all the possibilities of new ideas from whatever source they may originate, even if it is coming from an incognito Faraday.

I am always questioning myself, "What is the use of my theory if it is only a voice in the wilderness?"

25 August 2006

From The Atom to The Black Hole

A black hole is a region of space with such intense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape. This is the general understanding of the black hole.

If gravity is still a phenomenon, how can we come to use this statement as if it was a fact? This is misleading. Besides, it is preventing our young thinkers from even to consider exploring the true nature of gravity.

One of the things that irritate me most is, when scientists quote gravity and build up all sorts of formulae and equations around it, when they well know that they have no scientific proof of what gravity really is!

As an authority, the majority of scientists are unwilling to admit that all they really know is what they have acknowledged from their tutors - a centuries-old legacy of scientific beliefs some of which were later proven wrong.

It is no secret to say that scientific research is sometimes corrupted due to conflict of interests or the lure of profits.

Personally, I do not believe that black holes really exist as described in the first paragraph. However, let us assume that they do!

I consider myself as another Faraday.

After many years of intensive study, searching for the secrets of gravity, I arrived to a point where I feel the need to share my theory of this so-called black hole.

According to science, there is more space in an atom than there is matter. So, from where does all the energy come to keep the atom together and active, may I ask?

This is my answer.

The energy comes partly from the electrical field of the planet itself. This electrified field is generated by the planet's inner core electromagnetism field, which as we know produces the north and south poles.

And, the other part of the energy primarily comes from the planet's nearest Star. This Star, in turn, radiates myriads of electrified particles that shower on to all the neighboring planets. By means of these electrified particles, the atom gets its energy and stays alive and active.

The Auroras at the North and South Poles are a physical example of these electrified particles.

Our solar system, and in turn our galaxy, works in the same harmony. That is why the planets revolve and hold their orbit around their Star. The planets and their Star attract each other because of these electrified forces.

This is what gravity is all about.

The same could be said of one galaxy to another that holds our universe together.

My theory stands that a black hole is nothing more than a space in the universe where the electrified energy of the neighboring Stars do not reach - and therefore an atom cannot survive!

23 August 2006

So, Was He a Hero or a Traitor?

We build our reality on our beliefs.

And although we don’t admit that they are only our beliefs we do set our lives by them. They become us – our reality - and woe to anyone who tries to ridicule or challenge our faith.

Through the recent discovery of certain biblical-like documents, scholars are now toying with the understanding that Judas was the true buddy of Jesus rather than his traitor. According to these writings, Jesus so trusted Judas that he selected him out of all the other apostles to co-ordinate the role and act as a traitor - to fulfil the prophecy.

Will Judas now be declared as a saint and a martyr? If these writings are accepted to be true what will happen to all Christian believers?

Here is another example.

Millions believe that the American astronauts ascended on the moon and returned back. At this point in time, I am not opening the argument of a moon hoax but, what will happen to these millions when in the not too distant future it will be revealed that it was all a hoax?

Both religion and science could create fanatics from their followers. Belief is a very sensitive and dangerous thing. Confusion and chaos are still the price for many a different belief.

Both God and gravity are still a phenomenon. They are both unproven entities and yet man hold on to what he thinks about them as fact. As regards to gravity, man today is still in the dark as he was when he believed that the earth was flat. Here, may I ask, what if all the planets (including our moon) have the same gravitational forces? It is quite a different story when a non-scientist dares to direct reasoned criticism at science - the majority of professional scientists immediately object. I consider myself as another Faraday.

The sad thing is that we are easily entangled into illusions and let these same illusions direct our lives. We should always question certain issues that are coming from the so-called ‘reliable’ sources (media, government and institutions). There may be hidden agendas behind everything we hear or see - such as marketing issues for purposes beyond our knowing.

To doubt and question is healthy.

It can provide you with an opportunity to explore horizons that previously were inaccessible due to the narrow outlook of the issue.